s_agr_2017a_2017-12-20t13:32:31z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/20/2017
Location: RM 271
Presentation from the Colorado Energy Office
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01:32 PM -- Presentation from the Colorado Energy Office
Director Kathleen Stacks, representing the Colorado Energy Office, came to the table to update the committee on the work of the Colorado Energy Office. She stated that office's goals include increasing compressed natural gas sales by 500 percent, increasing energy savings by 14.6 percent, increasing low income energy assistance to $300 in 2018, and assisting clean energy technology providers, with a focus on hydropower. She continued by stating that the office's work in traditional energy sectors is limited due to budget concerns. She also spoke about the office's FY 2018-19 budget requests.
01:42 PM
In response to a committee question, Director Stacks discussed the office's work in the natural gas sector. She described several of the office's partnerships with the state of Utah, including in the natural gas and electric vehicle sectors.
01:49 PM
Committee discussion on future of the office ensued.
01:55 PM
The committee adjourned.