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S_ED_2018A 02/15/2018 01:36:12 PM Committee Summary

Date 02/15/2018
Gardner X
Kerr X
Merrifield X
Neville T. X
Todd *
Priola X
Hill X
Time 01:36:12 PM to 06:14:44 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Hill
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Conf 18-Adams State University Board Of Trustees Favorably Refer to Full Senate
Conf 18-University Of Northern Colorado — Board Of Trustees Favorably Refer to Full Senate
Presentation by the Society of Health and Physical Educators Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on services for veterans at institutions of higher education Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on Mental Health Counseling After Tragedy Committee Discussion Only
SB18-118 Lay Over

Conf 18-Adams State University Board Of Trustees - Favorably Refer to Full Senate

01:36:57 PM  
Senator Hill invited those present for
the confirmation hearing for the Adams State University Board of Trustees
to come to the table.  Cleave Simpson, chair of the board, came to
the table and introduced the appointee and reappointees to the board: Donna
Griego, Kathleen Rogers, and Randy Wright.  A copy of the Governor's
appointment letter can be found as [Attachment A].  The appointee
and reappointees introduced themselves and talked about their personal,
educational, and professional backgrounds and about why they would like
to serve on the board.

01:45:12 PM
Motion Refer the appointment of Donna Griego, and the reappointments of Randy Wright and Kathleen Rogers, to the Adams State University Board Of Trustees to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Priola
Gardner Yes
Kerr Yes
Merrifield Yes
Neville T. Yes
Todd Yes
Priola Yes
Hill Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 18-University Of Northern Colorado — Board Of Trustees - Favorably Refer to Full Senate

01:45:31 PM  
Senator Hill invited Kay Norton, President
of the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), to come to the table to introduce
the reappointees to the UNC Board of Trustees: Richard Monfort and Christine
Scanlan.  A copy of the Governor's appointment letter can be found
as [Attachment B].  The reappointees introduced themselves and spoke
about their backgrounds and prior service on the board.

01:58:27 PM
Motion Refer the reappointments of Christine Scanlan and Richard Monfort to the University Of Northern Colorado Board Of Trustees to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Priola
Gardner Yes
Kerr Yes
Merrifield Yes
Neville T. Yes
Todd Yes
Priola Yes
Hill Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB18-118 - Witness Testimony

02:01:59 PM  

Senator Hill explained that the committee would hear the remote testimony on Senate Bill 18-118, which concerns restoring the authority of a school district board of education to approve a charter school, and then would hear the three scheduled presentations, followed by the remaining witness testimony on SB 18-118.  

02:03:31 PM  

Mike Epright, Superintendent of West End Public Schools RE-2, testified remotely in support of the bill.

Presentation by the Society of Health and Physical Educators - Committee Discussion Only

02:08:12 PM  

Senator Hill asked the presenters from the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) to come to the table and begin their presentation.  Lynn Burrow, the President of SHAPE Colorado, introduced the other presenters at the table.  The presenters told the committee that health and physical education are now included in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) definition of a well-rounded education.  They talked about the current standards in health and physical education and the most evidence-based solutions to get kids active which helps academic performance.  They talked about the intersection between physical education and reading, writing, and math skills.

02:19:39 PM  

The presenters discussed the need to invest in quality physical education, and answered questions from the committee.

Presentation on services for veterans at institutions of higher education - Committee Discussion Only

02:29:37 PM  
Senator Hill invited the next presenters
to come to the table.  A handout was distributed to the committee
[Attachment C].  Stephanie Loxton, Transitions Coordinator for the
University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver), introduced herself and spoke
about a program at CU Denver helping veterans transition to the civilian
workforce and/or institutions of higher education.
02:37:08 PM  

Damon Vine, Veteran Services Coordinator at the University of Denver (DU), began his portion of the presentation.  He spoke about veterans services at DU.

02:39:19 PM  

Rex Laceby, from the University of Colorado Boulder Career Services and Colorado Advisory Council on Military Education, talked about the networking components he implemented in the CU Boulder's veterans services program.  Mr. Laceby also spoke about the Break Pay program for veterans at Metropolitan State University of Denver.

Presentation on Mental Health Counseling After Tragedy - Committee Discussion Only

02:48:04 PM  

Senator Hill invited Mark Mayfield and Trever Shirin from Mayfield Counseling to come to the table to begin their presentation.  They discussed the counseling center's history and growth, and about mental health issues in Colorado and the U.S.  They spoke about the suicide rates in schools and the support the counseling center provides to school districts in El Paso County.

02:56:05 PM  

Mr. Mayfield and Mr. Shirin showed a video they produced for their anti-suicide curriculum in schools.

03:02:54 PM  
The presenters answered questions from the committee.

SB18-118 - Lay Over

03:10:19 PM  
Senator Merrifield, sponsor, presented Senate Bill 18-118 which concerns restoring the authority of a school district board of education to approve a charter school. He distributed a handout to the committee members [Attachment D].
03:17:07 PM  

Senator Merrifield answered questions from the committee.

03:19:42 PM  

Brad Rupert, member of the Jefferson County Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.  He answered questions from the committee.

03:27:25 PM  
Mr. Rupert continued to answer questions from the committee.
03:45:45 PM  

Wendy Vogel, Vice President of the Douglas County Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.

03:48:28 PM  
Cathy Kipp, representing the Poudre School District Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.
03:51:20 PM  
The preceding two witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:01:55 PM  
Dan Schaller, representing the Colorado
League of Charter Schools, spoke in opposition to the bill.  He distributed
a handout  [Attachment E].
04:07:50 PM  

Tim Farmer, representing himself as legal counsel to charter schools, spoke in opposition to the bill.  He discussed his experience in the charter school appeal process.

04:12:31 PM  
Chase Bongirno, representing Great Work
Montessori, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:14:38 PM  
The proceeding three witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:21:48 PM  

Former Senator Sue Windels, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.

04:29:40 PM  

Nate Golich, Director of Government Affairs for the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.

04:32:17 PM  

Tim Krug, representing himself as a parent, spoke in support of the bill.

04:35:10 PM  
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:48:15 PM  
Pam Benigno, representing the Independence Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:53:26 PM  
Shari Shiffer-Krieger, representing Americans for Prosperity, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:55:44 PM  
Luke Ragland, representing Colorado Succeeds, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:58:48 PM  
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
05:25:21 PM  

Kathy Plomer, representing the Adams 12 Board of Education, spoke in support of the bill.

05:29:30 PM  

Sally Kate Tinch, representing herself as a member of a District Accountability Committee, spoke in support of the bill.

05:33:07 PM  

James Earley, representing himself as a member of a District Accountability Committee, spoke in support of the bill.

05:35:23 PM  
Allen Lindeman, representing himself, spoke
in support of the bill.
05:39:11 PM  
The preceding witnesses answered questions from the committee.
05:51:22 PM  
Cheryl Condon, representing Americans for Prosperity, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:55:54 PM  
Kim Monson, representing herself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:58:21 PM  
The preceding witnesses answered questions
from the committee.  Senator Hill laid the bill over for action only
until Wednesday, February 21, upon adjournment.

06:14:44 PM   Committee Adjourned

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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