Dale Jenkins, representing Advocates for Change, expressed concerns about the SOMB and polygraphs in particular. She distributed a copy of her testimony to the committee (Attachment C). The committee discussed a controversial Superme Court ruling about sex offender treatment and recidivism.
Roger Kincade, representing Advocates for Change, also expressed concerns with the SOMB and distributed a written copy of his testimony (Attachment D). He discussed problems with the filing of complaints against a provider or the SOMB.
Pat Harris, representing Advocates for Change, discussed parole for low-risk sex offenders and distributed a copy of her testimony (Attachment E). She discussed parole eligibility and treatment.
Susan Walker, representing the Coalition for Sexual Offense Restoration (CSOR), testified about the SOMB. She first reported on some of their positive accomplishments, followed by areas in need of of improvement, including, but not limited to, the sex offender registry, polygraphs, and the "one-size-fits-all" treatment modality. She distributed a copy of her testimony (Attachment F).
Tami Floyd, representing herself, discussed the SOMB. She stated concerns about the use and costs of polygraphs, as required by the SOMB.
Jenny Stith, representing the WINGS Foundation, discussed trauma-informed therapy and victims.
Karmen Carter, representing the Blue Bench, talked about the SOMB and its role in prevention efforts.