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S_JUD_2022A 01/24/2022 10:34:43 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/24/2022
Bacon *
Benavidez X
Bockenfeld X
Carver X
Cooke X
Daugherty X
Gardner X
Gonzales *
Luck X
Lynch X
Roberts X
Rodriguez X
Tipper *
Woodrow X
Lee X
Weissman X
Time 10:34:43 AM to 05:03:14 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Weissman
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation from the Office of the State Auditor Committee Discussion Only
SMART Act Hearing for the Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from the Colorado Office of Public Guardianship Committee Discussion Only
Presentation by the State Board of Parole Committee Discussion Only
SMART Act Hearing for the Department of Corrections Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Commission on Aging Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Child Protection Ombudsman SMART Act Presentation Committee Discussion Only

Presentation from the Office of the State Auditor - Committee Discussion Only

10:35:06 AM  
The committee was
called to order.  A quorum was present.  Representative Weissman,
chair, made some opening remarks about procedures to be observed during
the SMART Act hearings.  Michelle Colin, Deputy State Auditor, and
Trey Standley, Audit Manager, Office of the State Auditor, introduced themselves.
 Mr. Standley discussed the status of outstanding audit recommendations
pertaining to the departments over which the joint committee has oversight.
 The Office of the State Auditor's annual report may be accessed at:
 Mr. Standley responded to questions regarding unimplemented audit
recommendations pertaining to the Department of Corrections (DOC), the
nature of these recommendations, and whether DOC is conducting the programs
that are the subject of the recommendations.  Ms. Colin responded
to questions regarding an ongoing audit of the Judicial Branch.

SMART Act Hearing for the Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel - Committee Discussion Only

10:52:37 AM  
Lindy Frolich, Director, Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel (ADC), appeared before the joint committee pursuant to the SMART Government Act and Joint Rule 25. Ms. Frolich discussed the role of ADC, and some recent cases handled by ADC attorneys. She discussed the ADC's budget for the last and upcoming fiscal years, and factors driving the budget.
11:06:52 AM  
Stacie Nelson Colling, Youth Defense Coordinator for the ADC, discussed the youth defense coordinator position and ADC's role in juvenile defense. She discussed the ADC juvenile defense workload. Erin Campbell, Evaluation and Training Coordinator for ADC, discussed the training regimen for the office. Kimberly Simmons, Municipal Court Coordinator for ADC, discussed the office's municipal court program.
11:31:36 AM  
Ms. Frolich responded to questions regarding whether ADC contract attorneys may access student loan forgiveness programs. Representative Weissman asked a number of questions for the panel to address by e-mail. Discussion ensued regarding ADC's inclusivity fellowship initiative, and the office's training penetration.

Presentation from the Colorado Office of Public Guardianship - Committee Discussion Only

11:45:54 AM  
Sophia Alvarez, representing the Office of Public Guardianship (OPG), provided an overview of the office and its duties. She also discussed recent developments at the office. Ms. Alvarez responded to questions regarding the office's forthcoming budget request and source of cash funds for its programming, and increases in the need for public guardianship.
12:11:56 PM  
Jackie Zhelezhyak, representing Denver Health, testified about the OPG.

Maureen Welch, representing herself, testified about the OPG.

12:24:01 PM  
The committee recessed.
12:24:15 PM  
The committee recessed.

Presentation by the State Board of Parole - Committee Discussion Only

01:06:13 PM  
The committee returned to order. Chad Dilworth, Vice Chair, State Board of Parole, briefed the committee on the board pursuant to Section 17-2-201, Colorado Revised Statutes. Mr. Dilworth provided an overview of the board and its duties. He also discussed how the board operates. Mr. Dilworth responded to questions regarding communications with potential parolees about opportunities for parole. Mr. Dilworth returned to briefing the joint committee, citing some statistics. Mr. Dilworth responded to questions regarding the board's statistic for FY 2020-21, and circumstances that lead to parole revocation.
01:50:57 PM  
Mr. Dilworth responded to questions regarding tracking and treatment of those on parole. Mr. Dilworth returned to briefing the committee on the State Parole Board and its duties. Mr. Dilworth responded to questions regarding how much consideration is given to the crime committed when making parole decisions.

SMART Act Hearing for the Department of Corrections - Committee Discussion Only

02:06:52 PM  
Dean Williams, Executive Director, Department of Corrections (DOC), opened up the briefing on the department pursuant to the SMART Government and Joint Rule 25. Mr. Williams provided an overview of the department. Ashley Clark, Assistant Director for Finance and Administration for DOC, briefed the joint committee on the department's budget request for FY 2022-23. Travis Trani, Director of Prisons, briefed the committee on the prison population and the projected population for the next fiscal year. Merideth McGrath, Director of Adult Parole for the department, provided an overview of the parole population. Jessica Warren, Director of Correctional Industries (CCI), updated the committee on CCI and Take Two programming. Mr. Williams discussed the loss of money by CCI, and provided additional details about CCI programming. Mr. Williams responded to questions regarding future plans for offender labor, and the shutdown of DOC's dairy program.
02:35:24 PM  
Ruth Coffman, Deputy Director for Community Operations for DOC, discussed special needs programming and health insurance for offenders. Ms. Coffman responded to questions regarding eligibility for special needs parole. Ms. Coffman returned to briefing the joint committee, discussing parolees on the "tabled list" and long-term care. Mr. Williams provided additional input on offenders approved for parole with significant health needs. Ms. Coffman responded to questions regarding this population. Discussion ensued regarding the budget ramifications of caring for this population.
03:00:37 PM  
Andre Stancil, Deputy Director of Prison Operations, and Rick Thompkins, Director of Human Resources, DOC, briefed the committee on its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative. Discussion ensued regarding how this initiative impacts the qualifications of the job applicant pool and employee retention. Discussion followed regarding the identification of "uncomfortable truths."
03:24:11 PM  
Matt Hansen, Director of Prisons, briefed the committee on DOC's "Wildly Important Goals." Mr. Williams responded to questions regarding management communication with employees.
03:39:57 PM  
Ms. Warren returned to discuss certain DOC "normalization" efforts that involve CCI. Ms. Warren responded to questions regarding the SWIFT firefighting program. Mr. Williams provided input on these questions. Mr. Williams responded to questions regarding the Take TWO program and ability of offenders to meet licensing requirements and overcome other barriers to employment once they are paroled.
03:51:27 PM  
Michelle Brodeur, Director of Clinical and Correctional Services for DOC, discussed the department's Wildly Important Goals in the area of health care. Mr. Thompkins returned to discuss staff retention and turnover.
04:04:57 PM  
The panelists provided
an overview of the department's Sex Offender Treatment program.  Ms.
McGrath returned to discuss DOC's AWOL population and early discharge.
 Ms. McGrath and Mr. Williams responded to questions regarding the
offender population benefitting from early release, and the need for legislation
to further these efforts.  Representative Weissman noted some questions
for the department to address via e-mail.
04:18:42 PM  
Meghan Baker, representing Disability Law Colorado, testified regarding the DOC.

Colorado Commission on Aging Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

04:23:27 PM  
Yolanda Webb, Director of the Office of Adult, Aging, and Disability Services within the Department of Human Services (DHS), presented the findings of the Colorado Commission on Aging on the subject of special needs parole. Ms. Webb provided an overview of the commission. Kara Harvey, Director, Division of Aging and Adult Services within DHS, discussed the findings of the commission. Jane Barnes, Chair, Commission on Aging, detailed the recommendations of the commission.

Child Protection Ombudsman SMART Act Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

04:40:36 PM  
Stephanie Villafuerte, Child Protection Ombudsman, appeared before the joint committee pursuant to the SMART Government Act. Ms. Villafuerte provided an overview of the ombudsman's office and discussed its powers and duties. She also discussed the activities of the ombudsman over the past year. Ms. Villafuerte responded to questions regarding acute needs youth residing in residential facilities, and the services provided to these youth.

05:03:14 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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