S_LG_2020A 02/11/2020 02:06:43 PM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGSENATE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT Date 02/11/2020 Attendance Bridges * Coram X Crowder X Williams A. X Ginal X Time 02:06:43 PM to 04:18:23 PM Place SCR 354 This Meeting was called to order by Senator Ginal This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue Hearing Items Action Taken hSB20-104 Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations hSB20-058 Postponed Indefinitely X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call Conf 20-Energy Impact Assistance Advisory Committee - Committee Discussion Only Conf 20-Energy Impact Assistance Advisory Committee - Favorably Refer to Full Senate 02:07:18 PM The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Trisha Stiles, appointee to the Energy Impact Assistance Advisory Committee, appeared before the committee for confirmation. Ms. Stiles discussed her background and responded to questions. 02:09:09 PM Motion Refer the appointment of Trisha Stiles to the Conf 20-Energy Impact Assistance Advisory Committee to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation. Moved Williams A. Seconded Bridges Yes Coram Yes Crowder Yes Williams A. Yes Ginal Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS SB20-104 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/5104D06B2977...$File/200211 AttachA.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachA.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/E0B995038571...$File/200211 AttachB.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachB.pdf 02:09:17 PM Senator Cooke, prime sponsor, presented Senate Bill 20-104, concerning powers of Bureau of Animal Protection agents. Senator Cooke explained the effect of the bill, noting current law, and discussed the bill's need. Committee members received a legal memorandum prepared by the Office of Legislative Legal Services on the subject matter covered by the bill (Attachment A), and amendment L.001 (Attachment B). Discussion ensued regarding the amendment. 02:20:17 PM Duane Adams, representing the Dumb Friends League, testified in support of SB 20-104. Mr. Adams discussed legal opinions on the subject of investigating cruelty to animals. Rigo Neira, representing the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies, testified in support of the bill. Dave Lewis, representing the Colorado Association of Animal Control Officers, testified in support of the bill. Discussion ensued regarding the difference between a service animal and comfort animal. 02:29:54 PM Bobbi Priestly, representing the Dumb Friends League, testified in support of SB 20-104. She discussed incidents of animal cruelty. Jamie Norris, representing the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, testified in support of the bill. She discussed the work of her organization. Steve Spodyak, representing the Park County Sheriff's Office, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Spodyak discussed the benefits of the bill for advancing criminal investigations. Ms. Priestly responded to questions regarding snare traps. 02:38:42 PM Jessica Morgan, representing herself, testified in support of SB 20-104. She discussed legal impediments to investigating cruelty to animals, and explained how the bill would rectify the situation. Judy Calhoun, representing the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies, testified in support of the bill. 02:43:48 PM Roland Halpern, representing Colorado Voters for Animals, testified in support of SB 20-104. Lynne Langdon, representing Colorado Animal Protectors, testified in support the bill. 02:48:23 PM Discussion returned to the effect of amendment L.001. 02:48:46 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.001 Moved Bridges Seconded Bridges Coram Crowder Williams A. Ginal YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 02:48:47 PM The committee recessed. 02:58:35 PM The committee returned to order. 02:59:40 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 20-104, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Bridges Yes Coram Yes Crowder Yes Williams A. Yes Ginal Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS SB20-058 - Postponed Indefinitely Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/2111CE174150...$File/200211 AttachC.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachC.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/8DFADFE4B0A0...$File/200211 AttachF.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachF.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/9238A5C62A1D...$File/200211 AttachE.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachE.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/C98B8D51F28C...$File/200211 AttachD.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachD.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf/0/BC0B5F45EEAC...$File/200211 AttachG.pdf?OpenElement 200211 AttachG.pdf 02:59:47 PM The committee recessed. 03:01:52 PM The committee returned to order. Senator Marble, prime sponsor, presented Senate Bill 20-058, concerning the facilitation of asphat shingle recycling. Senator Marble screened a short video. Senator Marble explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Committee members received a packet of information supporting the bill (Attachment C). 03:10:17 PM David Snapp, representing the Department of Public Health and Environment, testified in opposition to SB 20-058. Committee members received two packets of information on asphalt shingles (Attachments D and E). Randy Moorman, representing Recycle Colorado and Ecocycle, testified in opposition to the bill. Steve Odorisio, representing Adams County, testified in opposition to the bill. Committee members received an aerial photograph of an asphalt shingle dump site (Attachment F). 03:21:04 PM Don Davis, representing SRO, testified in support of SB 20-058. Mr. Davis discussed a process he developed to recycle asphalt shingles. Adam Kenyon representing PW Roofing and Greenpoint Roofing, testified in support of the bill. He discussed the benefits of recycling shingles. Mr. Davis responded to questions regarding the chemicals he uses to dissolve asphalt shingles. Discussion ensued regarding the potential effect of disposing asphalt shingles, and the ability to recycle shingles under current law. Discussion followed regarding the potential for requiring asphalt recycling operators to carry a bond to cover any liability associated with their operations. Mr. Snapp returned to respond to questions regarding the science of asphalt shingle recycling. Discussion ensued on this point. Discussion followed regarding amendment L.002 (Attachment G). 03:58:43 PM The committee continued to discuss the potential for creating a pilot program to recycle asphalt shingles. Discussion ensued regarding the site of the potential pilot program. 04:06:31 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.002 Moved Coram Seconded Bridges Yes Coram Yes Crowder Yes Williams A. No Ginal No YES: 3 NO: 2 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 04:06:42 PM The committee provided closing remarks on SB 20-058. 04:17:09 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 20-058, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bridges Seconded Bridges No Coram Yes Crowder Yes Williams A. No Ginal No YES: 2 NO: 3 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: FAIL 04:18:19 PM Motion Postpone Senate Bill 20-058 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely. Moved Williams A. Seconded Bridges Yes Coram No Crowder No Williams A. Yes Ginal Yes Final YES: 3 NO: 2 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 04:18:23 PM The committee adjourned.