S_LGH_2023A 01/17/2023 03:53:16 PM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT SENATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT & HOUSING AND HOUSE TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING & LOCAL GOVERNMENT Date 01/17/2023 Attendance Boesenecker X Catlin E Dickson X Exum X Gonzales X Lindsay X Lindstedt X Mabrey X Mauro E Parenti X Pelton B. X Pelton R. X Rich X Roberts X Taggart X Vigil X Wilson X Winter T. * Froelich X Jaquez Lewis X Time 03:53:16 PM to 05:58:05 PM Place Old State Library This Meeting was called to order by Jaquez Lewis This Report was prepared by April Bernard Hearing Items Action Taken hCall to Order and Introductions Committee Discussion Only hPresentation from the Joint Budget Committee Committee Discussion Only hPresentation from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Committee Discussion Only hPublic Testimony Committee Discussion Only Call to Order and Introductions - Committee Discussion Only 03:53:29 PM Senator Jaquez-Lewis, Joint Committee Chair, made opening comments about the agenda for the day. Presentation from the Joint Budget Committee - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/D3FD17B0341B...$File/Attachment A - JBC Agenda+Qs.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A - JBC Agenda+Qs.pdf 03:54:35 PM Senator Zenzinger, Joint Budget Committee (JBC), gave opening comments on the presentation and what the JBC will be discussing. 03:54:40 PM Senator Kirkmeyer discussed the JBC's Staff Budget Briefing Summary, which can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/publications/fy-2023-24-staff-budget-briefing-summary. A meeting agenda was distributed to the committee (Attachment A). 03:55:28 PM Senator Zenzinger explained that any spending from last year's federal funds are available within the JBC's Staff Budget Briefing Summary. 04:03:54 PM Senator Zenzinger responded to questions from the committee about maintinence and energy efficiency projects within the Fort Lyon Supportive Residential Community. 04:04:38 PM Senator Kirkmeyer made closing comments. Presentation from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/5AB15D8FE900...$File/Attachment B - DOLA Presentation SMART Act 2023.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B - DOLA Presentation SMART Act 2023.pdf Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/7A1E34DF518B...$File/Attachment C - Prop 123 Presentation.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C - Prop 123 Presentation.pdf 04:06:05 PM Rick Garcia, Executive Director, representing the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), introduced the members of his staff present for the discussion and the department's presentation (Attachment B). 04:11:40 PM Director Garcia discussed the department's fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023 budget and the department's Wildly Important Goals for FY 2022-2023. 04:16:53 PM Alison George, Director of the Division of Housing, DOLA, responded to questions from the committee. 04:18:01 PM Dionne Stroter, Deputy Executive Director, DOLA, discussed the department's FY 2023-2024 budget requests. 04:21:18 PM Ms. George discussed the Fort Lyon Supportive Residential Community with the committee. 04:22:33 PM Director Garcia responded to questions from the committee about transportaion around the Fort Lyons Supportive Residential Community and the reasons why additional staff is needed for the Property Valuation Database Forecast. 04:26:35 PM Bruce Eisenhauer, Legislative Liaison, DOLA, discussed the department's legislative and regulatory agenda. 04:29:40 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about the backlog of complaints within the oversight program. 04:32:55 PM Ms. Stroter discussed DOLA's plans to address equity, diversity, and inclusion. 04:34:31 PM Ms. Stroter responded to questions from the committee about the data tracking practices of DOLA. 04:36:09 PM Ms. Stroter discussed DOLA's implementation of the stimulus funds that the department received. 04:40:04 PM Director Garcia further discussed DOLA's implementation of stimulus funds. 04:44:24 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about the Emergency Rental Assistance program. 04:52:46 PM Director Garcia stated that the department will send more data on the Emergency Rental Assistance program to staff to distribute to committee members. 04:55:12 PM Elizabeth Garner, State Demographer, DOLA, discussed the role of the State Demography Office. 04:57:32 PM Ms. Garner discussed key trends in the state's demography. 04:58:54 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about the status of the Denver Metro Campus program to support people experiencing homelessness. 05:05:34 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about the equitability of DOLA's assistance programs. 05:08:39 PM Ms. George discussed Proposition 123 and how the funds allocated for the program will be appropriated. 05:11:25 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about DOLA's use of outside contractors for Propistion 123 programs. 05:16:23 PM Ms. George continued to discuss Proposition 123. 05:19:30 PM Ms. George responded to questions from the committee about Area Meeting Income eligibility requirements for Propisition 123. 05:22:18 PM Jeff Kraft, Deputy Director of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), began the office's presentation Proposition 123 (Attachment C). He discussed the sources of funding for Proposition 123. 05:25:45 PM Jamie Gomez, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA), gave background on CHFA and discussed the Affordable Housing Finance Fund. 05:31:32 PM Mr. Gomez responded to questions from the committee about how Proposition 123 funds will be distributed to different types of housing projects. 05:32:15 PM Mr. Gomez discussed the financing and priorities of the Affordable Housing Financing Fund. 05:37:07 PM Mr. Gomez responded to questions from the committee Area Meeting Income. 05:41:18 PM Patrick Meyers, Former Executive Director of OEDIT and Chief Economic Recovery Officer for the State, responded to questions from the committee about the Affordable Housing Financing Fund. 05:46:39 PM Mr. Meyers responded to questions from the committee about income eligibility within Proposition 123 programs. 05:54:48 PM Mr. Meyers made closing comments. Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only 05:56:13 PM There was no public testimony. 05:58:05 PM The committee adjourned.