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S_SA_2025A 01/23/2025 10:02:58 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/23/2025
Ball X
Bottoms X
Carter X
Clifford X
DeGraaf X
Espenoza X
Feret *
Froelich X
Luck X
Mabrey X
Pelton B. X
Pelton R. X
Ricks X
Sullivan X
Weissman X
Willford X
Time 10:02:58 AM to 01:04:56 PM
Place Old Supreme Court
This Meeting was called to order by Willford
This Report was prepared by Amanda King
Hearing Items Action Taken
Joint Budget Committee Briefing pursuant to Joint Rule 25 (d) Committee Discussion Only
SMART Government Act Presentation from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Discussion Only
SMART Government Act Presentation from the Department of State Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony on the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony on the Department of State Committee Discussion Only

Joint Budget Committee Briefing pursuant to Joint Rule 25 (d) - Committee Discussion Only

10:04:15 AM  
Representative Willford,
Chair, reviewed the meeting agenda (Attachment A) and made opening comments.
10:05:11 AM  
Senator Bridges made
the presentation required by the Joint Rule 25 concerning the Department
of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and Department of State (DOS) budget
requests (Attachments B and C) to the committee.
10:11:46 AM  

Senator Bridges reviewed the DMVA budget requests specifically related to a Colorado National Guard tuition waiver, an expansion of the recruiting and retention bonus program, establishing both a communications manager position and an IT product director position in the department, and the implementation of a human resources information system. He referenced pages 82 though 84 of the Joint Budget Committee Budget Briefing Highlights FY 2025-26 booklet (

10:12:01 AM  
Senator Bridges answered
questions from the committee regarding the proposed Colorado National Guard
tuition waiver program and the recruting and retention bonus program.
10:20:14 AM  
Senator Bridges reviewed
the DOS budget requests specifically related to the federal Help America
Vote Act election security grant match, modernizing the IT division budget,
addressing fraudulent filings solutions, and increasing security at public
meetings. He referenced pages 115 though 118 of the Joint Budget Committee
Budget Briefing Highlights FY 2025-26 booklet

SMART Government Act Presentation from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Committee Discussion Only

10:25:08 AM  
Adjutant General
Laura Clellan, Executive Director of DMVA, presented to the committee in
accordance with the "State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive,
and Transparent (SMART) Government Act." The other presenters from
the DMVA introduced themselves: Sarah Edwards, Chief Operating Officer;
Bruce Cowan, Director of the Division of Veterans Affairs; Brigadier General
Michael Bruno, Deputy Executive Director; Paker White, Director of Government
Affairs; and Nick Severn, Chief Financial Officer. A copy of the DMVA presentation
(Attachment D) and the department's performance plan (Attachment E) were
provided to the committee.    

10:32:09 AM  

Adjutant General Clellan reviewed the department's mission and vision statements. She discussed the the DMVA's organizational structure and funding sources from both the state and federal governments. Adjutant General Clellan outlined the DMVA goal related to veteran engagement, which includes efforts around veterans service officer accreditation, the veterans benefit management system, veterans outreach events, resolving gaps in service, and increasing the Veterans Trust Fund Grant and Veterans Assistance Grant execution.

Adjutant General Clellan discussed the DMVA goal related to Colorado Army National Guard Readiness, which includes efforts related to enlistment referral incentives, retention bonuses, and retention ranking.

10:34:57 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan reviewed the DMVA goal to increase Colorado youth participation
in military auxiliary programs. She discussed how this includes outreach
to existing programs and outreach education to schools lacking military
auxiliary programs.
10:36:11 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan responded to questions from the committee about retention and recruitment
10:45:28 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan reviewed the department's performance management information, including
how they track progress of their performance. She reviewed the department's
budget requests. Adjutant General Clellan highlighted the DMVA budget requests
related to a proposed Colorado National Guard tuition waiver, as well as
the expansion of the recruitment and retention bonus program. She discussed
the budget requests related to a communication manager, IT product director,
and human resources information system.
10:50:21 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan reviewed the department's legislative agenda that includes establishing
a Colorado National Guard tuition waiver program, revising the Colorado
Code of Military Justice, and revising the requirements for qualifying
for a disabled veterans license plate.
10:51:06 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan responded to questions from the committee regarding the legislative
priority to revise the Colorado Code of Military Justice.
10:52:47 AM  
Adjutant General
Clellan stated the department does not have a regulatory agenda. She reviewed
information about equity, diversity, and inclusion related to the DMVA,
as well as the department's accessibility compliance. Adjutant General
Clellan explained how the DMVA used stimulus funds, which included fire
alarm replacements, roof replacements, and site security upgrades. She
discussed how the department responded to domestic operations, including
hurricanes, wildfires, and search and rescues efforts. She discussed National
Guard deployments and the Civil Air Patrol.

Adjutant General
Clellan discussed the Division of Veterans Affairs. She highlighted information
about the hiring of a new director for the division, the $1.6 grants awarded
by the division, the Veterans Memorial Cemetery, and the Western Regional
One Source.  
10:57:31 AM  
Mr. White responded
to questions raised during the Joint Rule 25 presentation by the Joint
Budget Committee about tuition benefits for members of the National Guard.
Adjutant General Clellan responded to questions about interservice recruitment
and current National Guard deployments. Mr. Cowen responded to questions
regarding outstanding audits.
11:08:40 AM  
The committee recessed.

SMART Government Act Presentation from the Department of State - Committee Discussion Only

11:11:17 AM  
The committee came
back to order.

Secretary Jena Griswold, representating the DOS, presented to the committee
in accordance with the SMART Government Act. She introduced the other presenters
from the DOS: Christopher Beall, Deputy Secretary of State; Rich Schliep,
Director of IT; Judd Choate, Director of Elections; Maytham Alshadood,
Director of Business and Licensing; Kathryn Mikeworth, Chief Administrative
Officer; and Brad Lang, Chief Financial Officer. The department's strategic
plan (Attachment F), performance evaluation (Attachment G), and regulatory
agenda (Attachment H) were provided to the committee.    

11:14:48 AM  

Secretary Griswold reviewed information in the Department of State (DOS) strategic plan, including information related to the department's four divisions: Business and Licensing, Elections, Administration, and IT. She highlighted information about text messages reminders for business filings and efforts to address fraudulent business filings. Secretary Griswold discussed the 2024 election and various aspects related to Colorado's elections, including mail ballots and the BallotTrax and Txt2Cure Programs. She reviewed information about 2024 legislation related to elections, fraudulent business filings, and bingo-raffle licensing. Secretary Griswold discussed the voting equipment password breach that occurred in 2024 and provided a handout (Attachment I) to the committee.

11:24:27 AM  
Secretary Griswold
responded to questions from the committee regarding the 2024 password breach
and business licensing function of the department. Mr. Beall responded
to questions about related to the business fraud unit. Secretary Griswold
continued to respond to the questions from the committee about fraudulent
business filings.
11:41:21 AM  
Secretary Griswold continued to respond to questions from the committee about the 2024 password breach, threats to election officials, and the implementation of Senate Bill 24-072, concerning provisions to ensure that confined eligible electors at a county jail or detention center may vote.
11:59:28 AM  
Secretary Griswold
responded to questions from the committee concerning various election matters.
Secretary Griswold and Mr. Beall responded to questions about the e-notary
12:16:29 PM  
The committee recessed.
12:16:44 PM  
The committee came back to order.
12:17:16 PM  
The committee recessed.

Public Testimony on the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Committee Discussion Only

12:30:44 PM  
The committee came
back to order.

No one testified
on the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

Public Testimony on the Department of State - Committee Discussion Only

12:33:17 PM  
The following people
provided testimony on the Department of State:

- Tanya Regan, representing themself;

- LaurelAnn Flahive, representing themself;

- Denise  Kmilek , representing themself; and

- Donna LaBelle, representing themself.
12:42:50 PM  
The following people
provided testimony on the Department of State:

- Candice Stutzriem, representing themself;

- Cheryl Dingwell, representing themself;

- Laura Wilber, representing themself; and

- Michael Raisch, representing the Colorado Institute for Fair Elections.
12:57:35 PM  
The following people
provided testimony on the Department of State:

- Steven Spencer, representing themself; and

- James Wiley, representing the Libertarian Party of Colorado.

01:04:56 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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