Consideration of Potential JBC Legislation
FY 2018-19 Figure Setting Comeback Packet #7
FY 2018-19 Figure Setting Comeback Packet #6
FY 2018-19 Figure Setting Comeback Packet #5
FY 2018-19 Figure Setting Comeback Packet #4
Consideration of Potential JBC Legislation
General Fund Overview 03-20-18
FY 2018-19 Figure Setting Comeback Requests for Executive Branch Agencies
Colorado Ballot Proposal
2017-2018 #168 - Lower Voting Age in State and Local Elections
Title Denied
Initiative Documents
The text of the measure reflects the language filed with the Legislative Council Staff for review and comment in accordance with constitutional and statutory requirements. The review and comment memorandum provides the comments of the Legislative Council Staff and Office of Legislative Legal Services and is presented at a public meeting with the designated representatives of the measure.
The text of the measure may change when it is submitted to the Title Board. Text filed with the Title Board, along with Title Board schedules and status, can be obtained from the Secretary of State at