Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force Report
Colorado has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform its affordable housing system and make sure it works for Coloradans in every corner of the state. The $400 million in unallocated funding from the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” (ARPA) offers us a chance to make one-time transformational investments that improve access to affordable housing across the state for those experiencing homelessness and for our essential workers with low to middle incomes. In order to face these challenges, the Governor and General Assembly formed the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force and Subpanel to develop recommendations in 2021. Comprised of legislators, executive branch representatives, and diverse affordable housing practitioners and experts, the Task Force and Subpanel undertook a deliberative, iterative, and transparent process. Ultimately, the Task Force came to near unanimous consensus on all funding recommendations and allocations, as well as agreement on several policy concepts.