Oil and Gas Severance Tax Deduction for Transportation Costs & Oil and Gas Severance Tax Deduction for Manufacturing and Processing Costs
Report No. 2020-TE16
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyReport No. 2020-TE16
Presented to the Joint Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee at its January 10, 2017, meetnig.
Report submitted to the Joint Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee in January 2017.
Presented to the Joint Health Committee.
Presented to the Joint Health Committee.
Presented to the Joint Health Committee.
This committee was created pursuant to Senate Bill 13-082. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and review the prevention, mitigation, and financing of wildfire matters in Colorado.
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - December 2016 Forecast
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2017-18. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
Economic Outlook for the U.S. and Colorado
The ongoing expansion in the U.S. economy is fueld by consumer contributions.
Understanding the State Budget: The Big Picture
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