School Meal Programs (2016)
This issue brief outlines federal and state school nutrition programs, including eligibility, funding, and reimbursement.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis issue brief outlines federal and state school nutrition programs, including eligibility, funding, and reimbursement.
Report No. 2025-TE3
This memorandum provides an overview on the federal immigration system, Colorado’s role in immigration, and patterns of immigration in the state and nationally. It then discusses the impact of immigration on different sectors of the economy and state government programs and services, and...
Passed in August 2024, House Bill 24B-1001 created a property tax limit for school districts beginning with the 2025 property tax year (PTY), for which taxes are payable in 2026. The bill’s provisions limit statewide qualified local share property tax revenue, or local share total program...
Submitted herewith is the final report of Hugh McKean Colorado Youth Advisory Council Review Committee. This committee was created pursuant to Section 2-2-1305.5, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this committee is to review the work of the Colorado Youth Advisory Council (COYAC) and to...
Many pieces of legislation regarding human services made their way through the 74th General Assembly. Human Services legislation primarily focused on child welfare issues, funding senior services, and addressing housing concerns through Medicaid.
House Bill 24-1448 enacted a new school finance formula, to begin in FY 2025-26 and be phased in over a 6-year period. This memorandum provides an overview of the new formula, the six‑year phase‑in period, and the parameters that would result in pausing implementation of the new formula. It does...
This memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes to school finance for FY 2024-25. Several enacted bills during the 2024 legislative session and August 2024 special session substantively impact the financing of public schools in Colorado.
During the 2024 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a variety of measures related to kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) education in Colorado. Specifically, the legislature adopted bills related to health, safety, and well being; supports for students, teachers, and other...
The relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health has prompted a rise in regulatory policy across the nation and in Colorado. This memorandum examines social media use and adolescent health outcomes, the predominant policy frameworks in this domain, and federal and state...
This memorandum discusses the Mill Levy Override Match Program, as well as concerns about the current framework and potential solutions and alternatives that have been discussed. The MLO Match Program Task Force created in House Bill 24-1448 is charged with recommending changes to the program,...
The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details
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