Substance Abuse Trend and Response Task Force Presentation
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its July 2017 meeting.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyPresented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its July 2017 meeting.
Report No. 2022-TE15
Report No. 2022-TE16
Report No. 2022-TE17
Sunset laws allow the General Assembly to periodically review the need for state regulations, advisory committees, or state agencies and to update the law creating the agency or function. To accomplish this review, committees of reference hold public sunset hearings on sunset reports issued by...
The Governor and General Assembly formed the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force and Subpanel to develop recommendations in 2021. Comprised of legislators, executive branch representatives, and diverse behavioral health practitioners and experts, the Task Force and ...
Pursuant to Section 10-16-221, Colorado Revised Statutes, the Statewide Health Care Review Committee was created to study health care issues across the state.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems.
This memorandum provides an executive summary of the various Executive Orders issued during the declared disaster emergency related to COVID‑19 in Colorado.
The General Assembly adopted several measures during the 2021 legislative session related to health care and insurance.
The General Assembly considered several measures during the 2021 legislative session related to human services, including behavioral health and long-term care.
The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details
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