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Red Book Footnotes 2006

1.    Deleted by amendment.

2.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on the day following the expiration of the ninety-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution (August 9, 2006, if adjournment sine die is on May 10, 2006); except that, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act within such period, then the act, item, section, or part, if approved by the people, shall take effect on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor.

3.    This section of House Bill 06-1002 shall take effect only if House Bill 06-1187 is not enacted or does not become law.

4.    This section of House Bill 06-1002 shall take effect only if House Bill 06-1187 is enacted and becomes law.

5.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect on July 1, 2007, only if Senate Concurrent Resolution 05-005, enacted at the First Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly, is approved by the people at the next biennial regular general election, and becomes law. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

6.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect May 29, 2007. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

7.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect January 1, 2007. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

8.    This section of House Bill 06-1187 shall take effect only if House Bill 06-1002 is not enacted or does not become law.

9.    This section of House Bill 06-1187 shall take effect only if House Bill 06-1002 is enacted and becomes law.

10.    Identical.

11.    Senate Bill 06-033 harmonized with House Bill 06-1028.

12.    House Bill 06-1059 harmonized with House Bill 06-1068.

13.    House Bill 06-1215 further amended by House Bill 06-1375.

14.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect August 10, 2006; except that this act shall not take effect if House Bill 06-1295 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

15.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect September 1, 2006. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

16.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1264 and relocated to subsection (6).

17.    This subparagraph will be renumbered on revision as (IV) in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

18.    Senate Bill 06-137 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-118.

19.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-303 (7).

20.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-308 (1) (q).

21.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-308 (1) (r).

22.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-308 (1) (s).

23.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (1).

24.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (1) (a).

25.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (1) (b).

26.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (1) (c).

27.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (1.5).

28.    House Bill 06-1048 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-305 (2).

29.    House Bill 06-1264 harmonized with House Bill 06-1196 and relocated to section 12-25-308 (2) (d).

30.    House Bill 06-1264 superseded by House Bill 06-1196.

31.    House Bill 06-1375 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-137.

32.    House Bill 06-1375 harmonized with House Bill 06-1271.

33.    House Bill 06-1107 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-083.

34.    This act was passed without a safety clause. It shall take effect July 1, 2007. However, if a referendum petition is filed against this act or an item, section, or part of this act during the 90-day period after final adjournment of the general assembly that is allowed for submitting a referendum petition pursuant to article V, section 1 (3) of the state constitution, then the act, item, section, or part, shall not take effect unless approved by the people at a biennial regular general election and shall take effect on the date specified or on the date of the official declaration of the vote thereon by proclamation of the governor, whichever is later.

35.    House Bill 06-1274 harmonized with House Bill 06-1239.

36.    Section 18 of House Bill 06-1274 further amended by section 19 of House Bill 06-1274.

37.    Section 22 of House Bill 06-1274 further amended by section 23 of House Bill 06-1274.

38.    This act shall take effect ninety days following certification in writing by the secretary of state to the revisor of statutes that approval of changes to the central filing system enacted by this act has been obtained from the United States department of agriculture, and the secretary of state has implemented the necessary computer system to publish and distribute the master list electronically and is able to do so.

39.    House Bill 06-1339 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-080 and House Bill 06-1404, effective August 9, 2006, and with Senate Bill 06-100, effective July 1, 2007.

40.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 42-3-224 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

41.    This act shall only take effect if Senate Bill 06-218 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

42.    House Bill 06-1375 harmonized with House Bill 06-1045.

43.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 42-3-222 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

44.    This part will be renumbered on revision as part 33 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

45.    House Bill 06-1385 further amended by Senate Bill 06-218.

46.    House Bill 06-1385 further amended by Senate Bill 06-044.

47.    House Bill 06-1217 further amended by Senate Bill 06-044.

48.    This act shall take effect only if either S.B. 06-206 or S.B. 06-207 is enacted during the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

49.    Senate Bill 06-031 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-032.

50.    House Bill 06-1054 harmonized with section 2 of House Bill 06-1310 and relocated to section 24-75-1104.5 (1) (m).

51.    House Bill 06-1054 further amended by section 15 of House Bill 06-1310.

52.    This section of House Bill 06-1310 shall take effect only if House Bill 06-1054 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

53.    Senate Bill 06-219 harmonized with House Bill 06-1310.

54.    House Bill 06-1171 harmonized with House Bill 06-1162.

55.    Senate Bill 06-128 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-6-111.

56.    House Bill 06-1004 harmonized with House Bill 06-1310.

57.    House Bill 06-1310 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-033.

58.    Senate Bill 06-126 further amended by House Bill 06-1310.

59.    This section of House Bill 06-1310 shall take effect only if Senate Bill 06-126 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

60.    House Bill 06-1054 further amended by House Bill 06-1310.

61.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 17-1-154 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

62.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 17-1-155 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

63.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 17-1-156 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

64.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 17-1-157 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

65.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 17-1-158 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

66.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 23-5-134 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

67.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 23-5-135 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

68.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 23-5-136 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

69.    Amendments to section 10 of chapter 288, Session Laws of Colorado 2005, resulted in a modification to section 35-14-127 (4) (a) (II).

70.    House Bill 06-1373 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-206, Senate Bill 06-207, House Bill 06-1326, House Bill 06-1386, House Bill 06-1145, House Bill 06-1092, House Bill 06-1151, and House Bill 06-1011.

71.    House Bill 06-1373 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-206, Senate Bill 06-207, House Bill 06-1326, House Bill 06-1151, and House Bill 06-1011.

72.    Senate Bill 06-206 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-207, House Bill 06-1326, House Bill 06-1145, and House Bill 06-1011.

73.    Senate Bill 06-206 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-207, House Bill 06-1145, and House Bill 06-1011.

74.    Section 63 harmonized with section 21 of House Bil 06-1277 and relocated to subsection (2) (b).

75.    This provision was contained in an act that is referred to the people under referendum. It will be submitted to a vote of the people at the November 2006 election and will take effect February 12, 2007, if approved by the people.

76.    This article will be renumbered on revision as article 19.5 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

77.    House Bill 06-1357 further amended by House Bill 06-1344.

78.    House Bill 06-1011 harmonized with House Bill 06-1092.

79.    This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (5.8) in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

80.    This section of House Bill 06-1384 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1201 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

81.    This section of House Bill 06-1384 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1201 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law; and the amount transferred to the Colorado travel and tourism promotion fund in accordance with section 12-47.1-701 (4) (a) (III), Colorado Revised Statutes, from the balance remaining in the limited gaming fund at the end of the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2005, is the amount specified in section 12-47.1-701 (4) (a) (III) (A), Colorado Revised Statutes; and the state treasurer files written notice with the state controller no later than July 15, 2006, that the aforementioned requirement has been met.

82.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 42-3-223 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

83.    Senate Bill 06-078 further amended by House Bill 06-1003.

84.    This section of House Bill 06-1387 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1287, enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly, does not becomes law.

85.    This section of House Bill 06-1387 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1287, enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly, becomes law.

86.    House Bill 06-1287 further amended by section 5 of House Bill 06-1387.

87.    Senate Bill 06-036 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391 and Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-8-107 (1) (a) (I), effective January 1, 2007.

88.    Section 8 (2) (a) of Senate Bill 06-036 provides that section 10-16-105 (7.2) (b) (IV) is effective January 1, 2008.

89.    House Bill 06-1178 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391.

90.    This part will be renumbered on revision as part 7 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

91.    This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (15) in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

92.    Senate Bill 06-115 further amended by House Bill 06-1003.

93.    This section will be renumbered on revision as 13-21-126 in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

94.    House Bill 06-1112 harmonized with House Bill 06-1277.

95.    House Bill 06-1074 further amended by House Bill 06-1257.

96.    House Bill 06-1198 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-170.

97.    House Bill 06-1030 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391, effective January 1, 2007.

98.    This section of House Bill 06-1391 shall not take effect if Senate Bill 06-042 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

99.    House Bill 06-1362 further amended by House Bill 06-1201.

100.    This section of House Bill 06-1362 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1201 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

101.    Senate Bill 06-235 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391 and relocated to subsection (3) (a).

102.    Senate Bill 06-235 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391 and relocated to subsection (3) (b).

103.    This subsection will be renumbered on revision as (4) in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

104.    Senate Bill 06-172 harmonized with House Bill 06-1391, effective January 1, 2007.

105.    This provision is amended as it will become effective January 1, 2007.

106.    House Bill 06-1017 further amended by House Bill 06-1201.

107.    House Bill 06-1391harmonized with Senate Bill 06-163.

108.    This section of House Bill 06-1391 shall not take effect if House Bill 06-1178 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

109.    House Bill 06-1018 superseded by House Bill 06-1398.

110.    This section of House Bill 06-1391 shall only take effect if Senate Bill 06-199 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law and shall become effective on the same date as Senate Bill 06-199.

111.    Senate Bill 06-199 further amended by House Bill 06-1391.

112.    Senate Bill 06-187 further amended by House Bill 06-1391.

113.    This section of House Bill 06-1391 shall only take effect if Senate Bill 06-187 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law and shall take effect on July 1, 2006.

114.    This section of House Bill 06-1017 shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1201 is enacted at the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-fifth General Assembly and becomes law.

115.    This section of House Bill 06-1391shall not take effect if House Bill 06-1302 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

116.    This subparagraph will be renumbered on revision as (XIV) in the 2006 Colorado Revised Statutes.

117.    This section of Senate Bill 06-208 shall only take effect if the blue ribbon commission for health care reform, created in Section 10-16-131, Colorado Revised Statutes, certifies in writing to the state controller that the commission has received at fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in gifts, grants, and donations for the purposes of Senate Bill 06-208. Subsequent to said receipt, the state controller shall notify the joint budget committee in writing that the state controller has received the said certification from the commission

118.    Senate Bill 06-219 superseded by House Bill 06-1398.

119.    House Bill 06-1375 harmonized with House Bill 06-1398.

120.    This provision was contained in an act that is referred to the people under referendum. It will be submitted to a vote of the people at the November 2006 election and will become effective upon the date of the Governor's proclamation if approved by the people.

121.    Senate Bill 06-129 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219.

122.    House Bill 06-1277 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219.

123.    Senate Bill 06-135 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219.

124.    Senate Bill 06-135 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-8-109 (5) (a).

125.    House Bill 06-1391 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-8-107 (1) (a) (I).

126.    House Bill 06-1310 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-8-105 (3).

127.    This section will be renumbered as and relocated to section 25.5-3-112 only if SB06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

128.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1017 and House Bill 06-1362 are not enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and do not become law.

129.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1362 is enacted at the at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law and House Bill 06-1017 is not enacted at the at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and does not become law.

130.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1017 is enacted at the at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law and House Bill 06-1362 is not enacted at the at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and does not become law.

131.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1362 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law and House Bill 06-1017 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

132.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1362 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

133.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1017 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

134.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1384 is enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and becomes law.

135.    This section of House Bill 06-1201shall only take effect if House Bill 06-1384 is not enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-fifth general assembly and does not become law.

136.    House Bill 06-1201 harmonized with House Bill 06-1360.

137.    House Bill 06-1201 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-049 and relocated to section 24-48.8-109.

138.    Senate Bill 06-044 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-3-108 (16).

139.    Senate Bill 06-044 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-3-108 (1).

140.    House Bill 06-1277 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-103 (3).

141.    House Bill 06-1395 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-103 (19.5).

142.    House Bill 06-1270 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-205 (1) (a.5).

143.    Senate Bill 06-129 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-201.

144.    This section will be renumbered as and relocated to section 25.5-4-107 only if Senate Bill 06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

145.    House Bill 06-1079 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-301 (1) (a) (II.5).

146.    Senate Bill 06-165 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-402.

147.    Senate Bill 06-131 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-6-204 (5) (b).

148.    Senate Bill 06-131 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-6-204 (6).

149.    This section will be renumbered as and relocated to section 25.5-6-207 only if Senate Bill 06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

150.    This section will be renumbered as and relocated to section 25.5-4-416 only if Senate Bill 06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

151.    Senate Bill 06-165 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-414 (3).

152.    Senate Bill 06-165 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-414 (7).

153.    This section will be renumbered as and relocated to section 25.5-5-320 only if Senate Bill 06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

154.    Senate Bill 06-145 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-4-417.

155.    House Bill 06-1277 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-307 (2).

156.    House Bill 06-1395 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-306 (1).

157.    House Bill 06-1395 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-306 (3).

158.    House Bill 06-1395 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-306 (4).

159.    Senate Bill 06-128 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-308 (8).

160.    Senate Bill 06-044 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-3-104.

161.    House Bill 06-1351 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-603 (1).

162.    House Bill 06-1351 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-604.

163.    House Bill 06-1351 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-5-605.

164.    House Bill 06-1310 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-3-207 (1).

165.    House Bill 06-1310 harmonized with Senate Bill 06-219 and relocated to section 25.5-3-207 (3).

166.    This part 15 will be renumbered as and relocated to part 7 of article 5 of title 25.5 only if Senate Bill 06-219 is enacted and becomes law.

167.    This provision is identical to section 24-46-105.7 (9) as enacted by House Bill 06-1017.

168.    This provision is identical to section 24-46-105.8 (6) as enacted by House Bill 06-1362.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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